Pythagoras was the first pure mathematician, as well as, the first to use a deductive, systematic, scientific method, making him the forefather of modern science.
Here are 21 of the central principles taught by Pythagoras to the mathematikoi as communicated by Adam Weishaupt in his E-Book The Illuminati:
1) Reality is mathematical at its deepest level.
This statement serves to put reality as fundamentally mathematical.
2) The cosmos exhibits order because it obeys mathematical laws.
This statement shows that order comes from mathematical laws. For proof, read the next line.
3) If the cosmos were not mathematical it would be permanently chaotic and random. No form of organisation would ever have emerged. No life could have arisen.
So, if the universe didn't obey mathematical laws, then chaos would be the norm. Random things happening all the time with things coming in and out of existence or not keeping their nature. No life or organisation could have emerged from a random and chaotic universe. It just cannot happen.
4) Mathematics is the first language of the cosmos. Mathematics underlies reason, order, organisation, pattern, logic, and form.
So, what I understand of these statements is that the universe communicates in mathematics. That what we know as reason, order, organisation, pattern, logic, and form, are based on mathematics.
5) God is mathematics come to life.
Pythagoras believed that God was a mathematical entity or like if mathematics were alive in some kind of form.
6) God is mathematical perfection.
God, a perfect being, is also mathematically perfect.
7) The thinking mind, both human and divine, is born of mathematics.
That thoughts and matters of the mind are of mathematics.
8) The mathematics of humanity can evolve to the mathematics of divinity: the former is simply an inferior version of the latter.
What we know as mathematics is only a version of what Pythagoras called, 'The Divine Mathematics'.
9) Through the understanding of mathematics, humans can comprehend the Mind of God.
To understand this, remember The Architect from The Matrix: Reloaded, how he is the creator of the Matrix and how he uses mathematics in order to balance the equation. The Architect is God, and his work is mathematical, so by studying mathematics, you can understand the Mind of God.
10) The human soul reflects the mathematics of eternity.
I tend to believe in souls as being eternal and outside of spacetime. So, being eternal, and by the statements that mathematics is the fundamental nature of all things, the soul reflects the mathematics of eternity.
11) Mathematics and philosophy can purify the soul spiritually.
Thinking in terms of mathematics, being the language of the universe, one can 'see' what reality is really like and so, with this understanding, one's soul can be purified.
12) The human soul can rise to union with the divine.
I'm unsure as to the 'how' of this, so I won't give any further explanation.
13) Certain symbols have a mystical significance via which the secrets of God are revealed.
They say that symbols communicate copious amount of information. I guess the development of the symbols we use were derived from a logical standpoint to represent that which it represents. So, the symbols can have certain meanings that further the understanding of mathematics.
14) God has filled the cosmos with mathematical messages (codes) to the human race to provide the answers to all of our questions. We need only read the codes, but to do so we must learn to see through God's eyes.
Think of the number Phi, or 1.618..., which represents the Golden Ratio, or the ratio found in nature, art and architecture. Such can be understood as a 'code' that God used to design all things in the universe. Pythagoras insisted that there were 'codes' hidden in all things which when discovered, one can comprehend through God's eyes.
15) Good and evil have their origin in mathematics. Good is associated with those who wish to live in harmony with others; evil is the result of the desire to destroy harmony by treating others in a lesser way than one would expect to be treated oneself. Good people seek cooperation, evil peole seek to put others down in order to raise themselves up.
That which disrupts harmony, in this case, is what is known as 'evil'. Good is that which forms harmony.
16) God wants all good people to join him. He rejects all evil people.
Since God is mathematical perfection, it means that God is harmonious and therefore, does not like disharmony.
17) Emotion is based on music, and music on mathematics. All of our emotions are reflected in music. Music can make us happy, sad, tearful, and ecstatic. It can rouse us to dance. It can plunge us into despair. It can deliver serenity. It can make us restless. It can inspire us, or crush us. It can raise our minds to the level of the divine. Through perfect music, we can glimpse the perfect mind of God.
Not sure how to 'feel' about these statements - hehehehe. Music can definitely arise emotion, and sound, or waves, have mathematical properties, so music can be said to be mathematical.
18) All things have a profound inner grasp of mathematics. Even when they do not know it, all things are carried along in the eternal flow of mathematics, the river of enlightenment.
Pythagoras regarded mathematics to be of the most importance, even by calling it, 'the river of enlightenment'.
19) Those who do not understand mathematics are those who have not had what is buried within them brought into the light of reason.
This says that everyone is capable of understanding mathematics. It is just a matter of 'switching on' what is already deep within the mind.
20) Light and sound are mathematical. In the afterlife, we hear the Music of the Spheres and see the infinitely dazzling light patterns of eternity.
This reminds me of the visualiser of your media player when playing music. I don't think anyone knows if there is an afterlife, let alone know of what it consists of but it's a nice guess.
21) All Brothers and Sisters of the Order should observe strict loyalty and secrecy.
I don't know why such information was kept secret. I guess not everyone could understand the answers to the mysteries of the universe, so they only gave out such answers to the wisest of humans.
So, there you have it, a summary of Pythagorean philosophy.
Which parts do you disagree with and why?
Let me know in the comments below.